Monday, January 31, 2011

Catching Up a Little

As always, it's been an adventure around here. Last week, I had one of my brilliant ideas that we need to get a fish. The kids had asked a few times, and Mia especially loves the Betta in her classroom. Harmless, I thought. Right?!

So, off to Petco we went. Five minutes and $25 later, we had a new friend named Marlin. As PJ said, "Marlin was a good fish." You know this story isn't going to end well.

While I spent Saturday working up a West Point, Paul decided to be adventurous and take the kids back to Petco to upgrade the fish tank. The kids were beyond thrilled, since our new model has very cool LED lights, with night and day modes--and a filter. High speed.

Marlin seemed to like the filter. So much that he would hide behind it. Hmmm. This would prove to be his demise. Think Finding Nemo gone bad. We're thankful Paul woke up first Sunday morning and thought to check on the fish right away.

We started the day with a fish funeral. In an effort to send Marlin back to sea, we said a few prayers and laid him to rest inside the porcelain god. PJ was none too convinced of Marlin's safe travels. This led to a discussion of the sewer system. It went downhill from there.

The good news is we have two new fish--Comet and Fishy Fish--goldfish who don't seem to care a bit about the filter. They are making themselves a fine home here at The White House. We are praying for their longevity!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I Guess You Have to Start Somewhere

A blog? Me? Really? Despite having some of the best English teachers in high school, I'm not much of a writer. I'm sure that will become quickly apparent. Or is it apparent quickly? Hmmm. Like I said, this isn't really my strong point. I'm kind of a jock. But--I suppose since we live a somewhat adventurous life, and have two kids that say and do some pretty funny stuff--this might be a good place to document it. And since I have about 5 years of digital pictures to sift through and catch up on, let's be honest--this is just another way to procrastinate.

In addition to being a stay-at-home mom of two pretty awesome kids, I'm also a physical therapist-turned-personal trainer/multisport coach, and I love to inspire people to reach their goals. My goal for 2011 is to find balance--to become a better mom everyday to my kids while doing one of the things I truly love to do--coach others. I've stepped away from that passion for a few years, and I'm ready to dive back in.

Finding balance as a mom is--I think--one of the biggest challenges we face. Over the past 6 years, I've spent some months being a pretty darn good mom, and fallen horribly out of shape. And I've spent some months in amazing physical shape, yet missed out on some very fun moments with my kids. If you're like me and grew up Catholic, you can probably relate to feeling guilty and replaying your life steps over and over again. My thought process on any particular day might go something like this: "Did I spend enough time with the kids today? Why didn't I do that craft with them that I cut out of Family Fun magazine two years ago. Yes. We should have done that craft. Today. That's OK. Maybe I can find a museum to take them to this weekend. Wait, now we have too much planned. Soccer, a playdate, craft time. They are going to be wiped out. Oh no, I'm suffocating them. Wait. He's arguing with his friend. Step in, Mom. C'mon. He NEEDS you. No, no. Don't do it. He needs think for himself. Natural consequences. Yes, foster independence! What? You're still tying his shoes? Should I still be tying his shoes? I KNEW I should have gotten up at 0400 to get a workout in. Oh well, so much for getting back in shape. Sigh. Maybe I should just go to confession and make it all go away. Father, forgive me for I have sinned, it's been three weeks since my last Brick workout."

And so it goes. But there is balance out there somewhere. I KNOW there is. The women at school pick-up look balanced. The women at the gym look balanced. I have friends who are balanced (well, maybe not--and that's why we're friends). It's out there, though. Somewhere. Family. Fitness. Balance. And a lot of laughter. Here's hoping 2011 brings it to all of us. Together! Let's have at this.